The ultimate tool to become focused...

F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

(This F.A.Q. is related only to the most current version of the app)
What languages is iBrisk available?
The supported languages are German and English.

Is iBrisk available on iPhone?
Yes. iBrisk is available on iPhone and iPad.

Does iBrisk make use of iCloud?
Yes. iBrisk does support enabling of iCloud. You can select to store your data locally only or share via iCloud.

How can I create a second or third task list?
Just use the "area" symbol or go to 'Menu>Areas' and add a new subarea to it. On the main screen you can drag-and-drop an area to the left field or to the right edge.

How can I change the background color?
'tap' on the top left of the toolbar text and create a new key area with its own name and choose the color. Link any other area such as 'priority' or own created area to your key area. You can also set a background pattern for your key area.

How can I change custom created key areas (color, title)?
Open the popup by 'tap' on text at the top left of the toolbar. Use 'Edit' or swipe left to edit a key area. Modify color or title according to your wishes.

How do I change an activated marker?
'tap' twice (double-tap) on the marker or tap on the "bookmark" icon if a marker is active and the popup will open. Delete or change the marker properties (color, title etc.). Use the 'toggle' button in the bottom-right corner to swap markers and selection field on iPhone version.
'tap' and hold (longpress) an unselected marker to redefine the marker with the current selection (a confirmation dialog will appear).

How do I create an info item with a text attachment I can edit?
Create a new info item and set the switch 'New text attachment' to 'On'. After adding the info item a new text file will be attached to it and you can 'tap' on the paperclip and edit the attachment OR perform from another app an 'Open in...' to iBrisk/iBriskLite of a text file (*.txt). An info item with the respective attachment will be created.

Can I revert archived info items to the task list?
No. Once an info item has been archived it can only be viewed in the archive view. Info items holding an attachment can be selected and the attachment can be forwarded by e-mail. If you delete an archived info item, it is deleted permanently.

Can I attach multiple attachement to an info item?
No. Each info item can have none or one attachment.

Can I change the font size of displayed info items?
Yes. Go to "Settings" of your iPad/iPhone and adjust your dynamic font size.

Copyright by KALIGOLASOFT Andi Fink 2013